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What's new on SocialEngineAddOns! Plugins & Themes are Compatible with SocialEngine PHP 5.2.1 !

As SocialEngine has recently released SE PHP 5.2.1 version with some important enhancements like submenu feature with improved menu design, privacy feature improvements, and bug fixes, so we recommend you, upgrade your website to this latest version with fully compatible plugins & themes. If you need any help with this upgrade, you can purchase our service Upgrade to SocialEngine P

Celebrating 12 Years of Success with 25% Discount on Everything

We are elated to announce that has recently completed 12 years of its glorious journey. Every small step has been worth celebrating. On July 2, 2008, our co-founders Niranjan Mangal and Vidit Paliwal embarked on their journey towards the dream of becoming top third party developers and making them rightly cut out to survive in the competitive corporate world. Plugins & Themes are Compatible with SocialEngine PHP 5.1.0 !

As SocialEngine has recently released SE PHP 5.0.1 version with some important enhancements like font choices for Serenity, reCAPTCHA 3, CCPA data sharing opt out, features improvements and bug fixes, so we recommend you to upgrade your website to this latest version with fully compatible plugins & themes. If you need any help for this upgrade, you can purchase our service Upgrade to Soci Team Achieved 1000 Reviews: Happy Clients Happy Us!

We couldn’t be more happier to share this great achievement with our clients who eulogize us for Affable Services, Great Products, Specialized Expertise and not to mention Exceptional & Lightning Support. has been bagging the No.1 position since it’s existence as a 3rd Party Developer for SocialEngine. Our success is measured in terms of User Experience we provide specifically, how great our clients feel about their experience with us. - Good Friday & Happy Easter with 30% Discount on Everything

No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow. These are difficult times for all of us. While the nation comes together to battle the COVID-19 outbreak, we, at, are also taking all possible measures to minimize disruptions to our business operations, including those of our customers and partners. We are committed to servicing all your needs and queries. Easter is a time when God turned the inevitability of death into the invincibility of life.

COVID-19 Blues - back you with 30% Discount on Everything!

The ongoing COVID-19 crisis is making an unprecedented impact on the world. We can’t say for sure when it will be over, but what we do know is that it is going to go away. Even though these are tough times for the industry, everybody at is working together to serve our clients and defeat COVID-19. Our comprehensive service continuity plan is designed to keep our services running smoothly during COVID-19.

7 Reasons Why Website Maintenance is Important

Updating your website is an important step for the development of your Business and Brand. Your website is the first platform where your user connects with you. Many fail to keep their website maintained and up-to-date, resulting in loss of business. Every time a visitor visits your site and finds the same outdated content, he/she may lose interest in your website and hence, resulting in reduced footfall and eventually loss in business. Useful Services in this Challenging Times with 50% Huge Discount !

Like every one of you, we are following the update about COVID-19 and our hearts are with those who have been affected - this includes not only those diagnosed with the virus but also their friends and family, those whose work and study have been affected and more. In this unprecedented and challenging time, it’s our job and privilege to share your burden and help keep the community stays productive during this difficult time. We are committed to working with you and enabling your success. Wishes a HAPPY HOLI with 25% Discount on Everything !

May God paint your lives with all the beautiful colors on this Holi. Holi, the great Indian festival of colors has come and to add more excitement to the festival of joy, is offering a great discount of 25% on Everything from 6th March to 16th March 2020. Valentine's Day Sale - 25% OFF on Everything !'s Valentine's season sale is going to start from today with a discount of Flat 25% on Everything, valid from 13th Feb to 17th Feb 2020. Discount Applicable On: Mobile Apps | Plugins | Themes | Read More

