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What's new on SocialEngineAddOns!

Compatibility of our plugins with SE 4.2.8 and enhancements in Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall Plugin

The existing versions of all our plugins are compatible with SocialEngine 4.2.8, and available for download in your SocialEngineAddOns Client Area. We have only upgraded our "Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall Plugin" for compatibility and have also released some exciting new features in this: Do you use SocialEngine's networks feature on your site?

Exciting Enhancements in Geo-Location, Geo-Tagging, Check-Ins & Proximity Search Plugin

We're glad to announce the release of exciting enhancements in our SocialEngine PHP plugin: "Geo-Location, Geo-Tagging, Check-Ins & Proximity Search Plugin", which will provide improved Location and Proximity Search features on your site: 1) Location & Proximity Search for Groups and Members: Just like the existing Location & Proximity Search for Events, and for P

New Enhancements in Directory / Pages Plugin

We're excited to announce another round of great enhancements in the popular "Directory / Pages Plugin": 1) Linking to Facebook Page: Admins of Directory Items / Pages on your site can now link their Directory Items / Pages with their Facebook Pages from the "Marketing" section of Page Dashboard.

Enhancements in Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall Plugin

After the release of our new plugin: "Geo-Location, Geo-Tagging, Check-Ins & Proximity Search Plugin", we're excited to announce many enhancements in the "Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall Plugin" which will be very useful for your communities: 1)&

New Plugin: Geo-Location, Geo-Tagging, Check-Ins & Proximity Search Plugin now released!

We're glad to announce the release of our highly awaited plugin: Geo-Location, Geo-Tagging, Check-Ins & Proximity Search Plugin This plugin is a feature rich plugin which brings many location related functionalities into your SocialEngine site: L

Enhancements in Offers Extension of Directory / Pages Plugin

We're glad to release some very useful enhancements in our "Offers Extension" for "Directory / Pages Plugin" which further increases the usage possibilities of the "Directory / Pages Plugin".

Continuing Developments of SE4 and Webligo's SE5 Announcement

Though SE5 has been announced by Webligo, the SocialEngine team has also mentioned that they will continue to sell, support, optimize and improve SE4. Website owners and administrators who want to self-host their community and want the entire codebase on their own server should still find SocialEngine 4 as the best platform out there. We will continue supporting Read More

Existing Versions of All Our Plugins are Compatible with SocialEngine 4.2.6

The existing versions of all our plugins are compatible with SocialEngine 4.2.6, and available in your SocialEngineAddOns Client Area. We have not upgraded any of our plugins for this as they are already compatible.

Enhancements in Advanced Facebook Integration Plugins

We're glad to announce release of enhancements in the plugins: "Advanced Facebook Integration / Likes, Social Plugins and Open Graph" and "Facebook Feed Stories Publisher". - Support for ALL plugins: These plugins now support ALL content plugins.

New Plugin: Video Lightbox Viewer Plugin now released!

We've just released a new plugin which will greatly transform the video viewing experience on your community: Video Lightbox Viewer Plugin Provide your users an attractive, engaging video viewing experience. This plugin greatly enhances normal video viewing on SocialEngine.

