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What's new on SocialEngineAddOns!

Compatibility of our Plugins with SocialEngine PHP 4.8.11

SocialEngine team has recently upgraded their software and announced the release of SocialEngine PHP 4.8.11 fixing some important issues and security vulnerabilities. Following that upgrade, we've also upgraded few of our plugins to make them compatible with the latest version of SocialEngine PHP.

Discount on No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA - Spam Protection Plugin and its Use Cases

To make an online community successful, a website owner has to focus on many things like website’s content, design, promotion etc. Still a website is prone to failure if proper security is not provided to whole website and it’s members from spammers. Spamming on your website has numerous ill-effects like drop in your website’s reputation, drop in search engine ranking, mistrust of users, excessive server resource usage, and so on.

New Feature: Monetize your Android Mobile Application with Facebook Ads

Many app owners look for different ways to make money off their mobile apps. Surely, there is always a way to create a paid apps and some other resources, but it is a bit tricky to convince your community members to pay off for what you have to offer for them.   What if we bring an easy and quick way to monetize your mobile apps using Native Facebook ads?

New Release: No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA - Spam Protection Plugin

In today’s online world, spam protection on the web is the most vital part to run an online website hassle free. Spammers create virtual robots or bots that crawl the web looking for forms to fill out with their messages and URLs in an attempt to boost their SEO. These spam bots can even cause blacklisting of your website in search results which in turn can destroy your website’s online reputation.

New features in iOS and Android Mobile apps for SocialEngine PHP - May 2016

If you want to build a credible presence for your SocialEngine based community, then we recommend you to leverage our iOS & Android Mobile apps.

New Features: Play All and Embed Code in Advanced Videos / Channels / Playlists Plugin

Advanced Videos / Channels / Playlists Plugin provides a great platform to easily seize the attention of your website members by showcasing the amazing videos collection on your website.

New Extensions of SocialEngine REST API Plugin

The “SocialEngine REST API Plugin” by SocialEngineAddOns opens up endless possibilities for your SocialEngine based online community. The JSON based REST API provided by this plugin allows you to integrate your SocialEngine based website with external Web and Mobile applications, and makes your online community universally accessible.

Exclusive Feature - Default Channel Creation on a New Sign Up

We are providing an Exclusive feature: Default Channel Creation on a New Sign Up with our recently released Advanced Videos / Channels / Playlists Plugin.

