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Why is it important to keep your Mobile Apps updated and bug free

App quality plays a very important role in user experience and engagement. With new apps being launched regularly on the app store, user expectations are forever increasing.

New developments in iOS and Android Mobile Apps - Plugin Integrations, Sound Effects and more

Mobile Apps play a big role in growing online communities. With the increasing demand of Mobile Apps, we’re regularly updating our mobile products and now, we’ve come up with new feature developments in our "iOS and Android Mobile Apps" for SocialEngine.

Enhancement in Documents Sharing Plugin - Google Docs Viewer

"Documents Sharing Plugin - Google Docs Viewer" allows users to upload, view, share and download documents in your community. The documents uploaded are saved in the Google drive which you have to configure with this plugin. Earlier, steps for configuring Google drive with this plugin was time-consuming and a bit confusing as notified by our clients.

New Features: Monetize iOS and Android Mobile Apps with Google Admob and Facebook Ads

App owners always look for quick and simple ways to set up and monetize native ads effectively in mobile apps. Certainly, there are number of ways to make money off mobile apps, but we’ve introduced one of the easiest and engaging feature of interactive ads in our "iOS and Android Native Mobile Apps for SocialEngine".

Enhancement in No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA - Spam Protection Plugin

No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA - Spam Protection Plugin provides security to your SocialEngine based websites from the abuse of spammers in an an effortless way. This plugin helps you in maintaining the online reputation of your website by blocking the automated softwares from creating the abusive or junk content on your website.

Tips for Increasing Number of Installs of your Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps are the best mediums to grow your online community and to keep your users engaged. However, with the large number of apps in the App Store and Play Store, getting your apps discovered by users is not easy.   Certainly, there are number of ways to promote your app, but only if you have a huge budget.

2016 CMS Critic Awards - Nominate SocialEngine PHP

  CMS Critic Awards started 3 years back and SocialEngine PHP has won the title of "Best Social Network Software" 2 times - in year 2013 and 2015. Now, it's time to nominate SocialEngine PHP again in the 2016 CMS Critic awards!   And for this to happen again, we need some support from our amazing community.

WebView Feature in iOS and Android Mobile Apps - Benefits and Use Cases

Mobile Apps play a tremendous role in keeping your community users connected round the clock from absolutely anywhere. So, we often encourage our clients to move to the mobile space.

