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What's new on SocialEngineAddOns!

SocialEngineAddOns Recent Releases on SocialEngine Store

We are glad to announce that recently, we have released four plugins & four packages on SE Store. These will help you to build a thriving and engaging SocialEngine based website as they contain many essential components to make your social network successful ! Plugins Advanced Music Plugin It helps in making your website, more fun and engaging.

New Release: Directory / Pages - Advanced Features Extension

We are happy to announce the release of our new Directory / Pages - Advanced Features Extension. The extension brings you various exciting new features that will help you enhance the functionalities as well as the look and feel of your pages.

Live Broadcasting & Streaming in iOS and Android Mobile Apps

Go Live and Connect Instantly in Real-Time to a large audience Anytime, Anywhere with a camera in your pocket. Live Broadcasting extensively increases User Engagement in the Community with a Fun, Interactive and Powerful way.   You get 10,000 Minutes Free Every Month     Highlights of Live Broadcasting/Streaming Feature:   1.

Crowdfunding / Donations Plugin Integration with Android App and 30% OFF on Everything

  Raising funds using Crowdfunding is more efficient than Traditional Methods. Adopt it now!   Crowdfunding/Donations Plugin, now being compatible with Android Mobile App helps you reach right and a large number of audience/donors more e

New Release: Advertisements, Community Ads & Marketing Campaigns Plugin for Effective & Engaging Advertisements

We are glad to announce our new release “Advertisements, Community Ads & Marketing Campaigns Plugin”. It helps users to create rich, targeted ads / campaigns on websites for the promotion of their pages, external sites and even content: like groups, posts, albums, events etc.

SocialEngineAddOns Celebrating the True Spirit & Essence of Womanhood with 20% Discount!

Happy Women's Day! SocialEngineAddOns are gearing up in full swing to give you a grand experience this International Women's Day to salute and uplift all women, young & mature, and say continue to inspire those around you and they hope to gracefully flood your inbox with wonderful wishes and irresistible offer of 20% OFF on everything:  Mobile Apps |

30% Discount, Push Notifications now Faster than ever - iOS Mobile App

You share your concerns with us and we come up with solutions. This is how we work for our clients.

Must-have Services for Your SocialEngine Community Website

We are glad to let you know that recently, we’ve launched many services which are must-have services for your SocialEngine community website to create an engaging and providing the best experience to your community users. To know more regarding the services, please refer to our Services page. Ongoing Discount Offer Get Flat 30% Off

Discount & New Updates : User Friendly Sign Up, Nested Comments and more in Android Mobile App

We Deliver what you Love. You demanded for Nested Comments, Quick Sign up and many more features and here we are today announcing the Release of those feature in the Android Mobile App for SocialEngine. Let’s have a look at the details of these features in new App Update :     1.

